Nobody Knows

Nobody knows how we met.
Nobody knows how we get there.
Nobody knows how we started.
Nobody knows how we blend well.

Nobody knows how we first kissed.
Nobody knows how we do our thing.
Nobody knows how we loved each other.
Nobody knows how we reached this far.

Nobody knows how we easily get jealous.
Nobody knows how we make up.
Nobody knows how we fight.
Nobody knows how we then back up.

Nobody knows how we went through.
Nobody knows how we tend to hold on.
Nobody knows how we often miss each other.
Nobody knows how we truly are now.

7 sweet lime/s:

Aliza said...

Aw,you have SUCH a cute blog! Reminds me of tropics :D

P.S: Nice post! (:

Greenikz Ü said...

@Aliza: Oh thank you thank you :D
You made me smile with your comment. Thanks Sweetie! ♥

deeps said...

life is like that

Greenikz Ü said...

@deeps: Absolutely!

Unknown said...

its very beautiful and falling clover leafs that's an unique idea.

Pages Off Life

Ghadeer said...

Pretty poem :)

Greenikz Ü said...

@rupertt: thabnk you dear! :)

@jnana: thank you so much! *love*